Title : We Grieve With You 1 (2022)
A collection dedicated to the
children of Canadian residential
"The sun got cold
And the abundance left the ground
And the verdures dried in deserts
And the fish died in seas
And the soil from that time
Didn’t accept its dead
The night in all pale windows
Like a doubtful illusion
Condensed and overflowed unceasingly,and the roads released their continuation in darkness
Nobody thought any more of love
Nobody thought any more of victory
And nobody thought any more about anything."
"Forough Farokhzad "
Title :Every Child Matters /2024
A piece from my ongoing collection, paying tribute to the children of Canada’s Residential Schools.
I spent 315 hours creating this pair of shoes as a tribute to the children who lost their lives in Canada’s residential schools. This act of creation stands as a symbol of solidarity and remembrance, a way of saying, “We Grieve With You .”
The time invested in this piece serves as a stark reminder that no amount of effort can restore a generation we’ve tragically lost. Each child represented an irreplaceable potential to shape the world. when we were confronted with the painful truth: we have robbed ourselves of the contributions and possibilities of countless lives. We have, in essence, lost an entire generation—one that could have shaped the course of our collective future.
As an artist, I reject the notion of borders and divisions. These are human constructs that mask the reality that we inhabit a single, shared world. None of us truly own the land beneath us. Each tragedy, fueled by religious, racial, or nationalistic prejudice, delays the possibility of achieving universal peace.
We must not only recognize this but act on it. We *must* learn to coexist as one human family. If we fail to do so, we will continue to wake up to more devastating headlines. Through my work, I seek to remind us of our shared humanity and the urgent need for compassion and unity. “We are all fruits of one tree and leaves of one branch”( Bahaullah).